Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Cedima factory.

Export of Products

Export of Cedima products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Cedima products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Cedima: drilling machines, stone-cutting machines, seam cutters, wall-cutting machines, rope saws, hydraulic oil stations, high-frequency drives, electric saws, brush machines, concrete sludge separators, special machines, diamond tools
  • Diamond Tool Cedima
    Diamond Tool
    AR-Standard Generation 2, etc.
  • Drilling trailers Cedima
    Drilling trailers
    BW-300, BW-400, etc.
  • Hydraulic drilling installations Cedima
    Hydraulic drilling installations
    HM-51, HM-101, etc.
  • Drilling motors Cedima
    Drilling motors
    DK-17 EL, WEKA DK-32 EL, etc.
  • Diamond Drilling Rigs Cedima
    Diamond Drilling Rigs
    H-201 ECO, UNI, etc.
  • Stone-cutting machines Cedima
    Stone-cutting machines
    CTS-56, CTS-57 G, etc.
  • Seam Slicers Cedima
    Seam Slicers
    CF-7.1 B, CF-13.1 B, etc.
  • Tooling of drilling machines Cedima
    Tooling of drilling machines
    DS-350, DS-800, etc.
  • Special machines Cedima
    Special machines
    SBB-2000, CRF-60.1 B, etc.
  • Concrete Sludge separators Cedima
    Concrete Sludge separators
    CBS-mini, CBS-500, etc.
  • Wall-cutting machines Cedima
    Wall-cutting machines
    WS-296, WS-451 EE, etc.
  • Rope Saws Cedima
    Rope Saws
    CSA-100 H, CSA-1001 H, etc.
  • Hydraulic oil stations Cedima
    Hydraulic oil stations
    HAG 12.10, HAG 12.20, etc.
  • High-frequency drives Cedima
    High-frequency drives
    HF-10, HF-17, HF-28, etc.
  • Electric saws Cedima
    Electric saws
    SM-410, CKR-1016 HF, etc.
  • Brush Machines Cedima
    Brush Machines
    CBM-35 B, CBM-35 D, etc.


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